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Standard #1:

Learner Development


The teacher understands how students learn and develop, recognizing that patterns of learning and development vary individually within and across the cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and physical areas, and designs and implements developmentally appropriate and challenging learning experiences.

Artifact #1: Student Interest Survey

Description: I truly value getting to know a student as more than just a name on the roster. The student interest survey I created for my students provided a lot of valuable insight. Not only did I become informed about how my students liked to learn, but I also learned about everything they are responsible for after school, from jobs to clubs and sports. I handed out this survey at the beginning of my student teaching experience so that I could have a better understanding of how to teach them and to get to know them individually. Those activities that students are involved in outside of school can really affect students inside of school.

Rationale: By surveying my students, I was able to assess my students’ academic skills and abilities. Having these results helped me modify my lessons and curriculum in order to cater to their diverse learning needs. I realized my students were heavily involved in after school activities and in the community; in learning about their personal lives, I was able to empathize and be realistic with my planning. I also wanted to get their attention and maintain their engagement throughout our time together, so learning about their interests, and their strengths and weaknesses within English class, helped me create a classroom that involved their interests and passions in their learning development.

Artifact #2: Contextual Factors Analysis (CFA)

Description: The contextual factors analysis (CFA) is a ten-page research paper on the school district, Mt Blue Campus, and the greater Farmington area. I looked at the demographics of the town and the school, learning facts like how many students are eligible for the free lunch program, that Mt Blue High School is part of the MLTI program, and what towns make up the school district. My student survey also became a piece of this research analysis as the students provided me with information about their school and their learning, so I could better help them.


Rationale: The CFA is all about understanding the school and the community in order for me to better understand the people I will be working with. And in that understanding, I was able to make decisions and choices in my teaching strategies so that I could teach and connect with them in an efficient and productive manner. Students’ lives are not just set aside when they enter the doors of Mt Blue Campus; they carry their life happening outside of school in with them everyday. The CFA gave me the best insight into those lives so that I could make meaningful, personal, and individual learning experiences for every student. 

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